Mortgage loans with financial credit institution

February 11, 2020


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They allow financing despite being in Financial credit institution. Naturally, the first advantage of mortgage loans with Financial credit institution that entities like Crediting can offer you is that they give you financing where traditional credit institutions (banks and savings banks) are not willing to give it to you. Indeed, regardless of whether you are on this list, we understand that your property is more than enough guarantee to start enjoying financing for your projects.

They offer you the possibility to leave Financial credit institution. One of the most important advantages of mortgage loans with Financial credit institution and one of the ones that make thousands of clients trust entities like Crediting is that we can quickly remove you from the Financial credit institution list forever and delete your data from it.

Take care of the whole process as quickly as possible

Take care of the whole process as quickly as possible

By applying for a mortgage with Financial credit institution with us, we will take care of the whole process as quickly as possible.They are very flexible. Another advantage of mortgage loans with Financial credit institution and that comes from its own characteristics is the fact that it gives us a very wide range of terms and facilities. Precisely as our home is the one that works as a guarantee, this makes the whole process more flexible.

Long term compared to what most credit institutions offer.

Long term compared to what most credit institutions offer.

The credit institution has such tranquility and that translates into longer terms and facilities to choose the way in which we want to return the amount. Repay the loan in a period ranging from 1 year to 10 years. It is a really long term compared to what most credit institutions offer. As we have said, this is possible because you have your property. At the same time, flexibility also affects quotas. With Crediting you can choose two modalities. Return the installments only of interest and return in a final payment the amount that will be loaned to you. Return in each installment a part of the interest and another part of the amount to be returned.

Possibility of making payments

Possibility of making payments

Likewise, it must be said that we give you the possibility of making monthly, quarterly or semi-annual payments.You can continue enjoying your home. Contrary to what happens with most loans in which any property is placed as collateral (jewelry, boats, antiques…) in the case of mortgage loans with Financial credit institution we can continue to enjoy our property. Throughout the duration of our loan, we can continue living in it (as it could not be otherwise).

They give us bigger amounts. It is another key point to understand the advantages of mortgage loans with Financial credit institution. Again, by operating our home as a guarantee, the credit institution can grant us a greater amount of financing. Specifically, at Crediting we offer you between 30 and 40% of the value of the property.